The Wing Jig is Done! July 21st, 2007
I started building the wing jig by putting together the four-foot long floor supports. Rather than use 4×4 sections, I used two 2×4’s glued and screwed together. They are easier to handle and come out straighter. I did the same thing for the vertical support.
After doing a couple of these, I had to hit Harbor Freight and buy more C-clamps. One of the few decent things you can buy there. I think I got eight 6″ clamps for about $15.
The next step was to clamp together one of the vertical supports and start putting in screws. I first clamped everything together and made sure the vertical post was really vertical, and then attached the 45 degree supports with 2 1/2″ #10 screws.
After making sure the vertical support is nice and straight, I stuck two #12 screws from the bottom to make sure it stays level.
Finally, I added the two horizontal supports and made sure everything was square again. I made the spar supports out of 1″x1″x1/8″ aluminum angle from Home Depot. I used two 4-foot sections as well as the original angle I used to drill the rudder trailing edge. These suckers are $12 each!!
I used a water level to make sure the supports in each side of the jig are level.
Also, since part of the instructions specify measuring for, and eliminating wing twist, I figured I’d better be able to adjust these supports. So, I used a 3/8″ threaded rod so that I can change the angle on each support.
Wing Ribs are Finally done!! July 8th, 2007
Today I fluted the last of the wing ribs. I am sure glad to be done with them!
I started building my wing jig. Van’s recommends a ‘floor to ceiling’ jig, but since I want to continue to open and close my garage door, I am building slightly modified jigs.
I used Google Sketchup to design my jig. It will look something like this:
At this point I’m thinking rather than hang each wing on either side of the jig, I’ll build two of them, so I have more room to walk in between the wings.