Still not dead! – We have a tail and wings! November 5th, 2016
Ok, a couple more years have gone by, but there has definitely been progress in this little project.
First, the tail section is done …*really* done. All surfaces are mounted, bolts torqued, etc. The fiberglass empennage fairing is finished (other than paint), the rudder cables and wiring for the tail light and trim servo are routed to the front of the fuselage,etc.
The wings are mounted temporarily, but all critical holes have been drilled, flaps have been fitted, and ailerons have been test-fitted, too.
Finally, the engine mount has been mounted and match-drilled to the firewall and the control cable pass-through fittings have been installed.


Tail is done!
Lots of things still to do, roughly in this order:
- Install Baggage floor panels
- Remove Wings and store again
- Install rear top skin and rear window
- Install cabin floors
- Put the plane on its landing gear
- Hang Engine!
- Install Engine components
- Fit the fiberglass cowling
- Install Avionics
- Fly this sucker!
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