Back in business — Working on Rudder and VS May 30th, 2006
After spending a week on vacation, it took me another week or so to catch up at work and home. I got back to building this memorial weekend.
I primed the Vertical Stabilizer parts, and rather than just waiting a day and a half, I figured I’ll give the primer at least three days to dry. Compared to the Horizontal Stabilizer, I was VERY pleased with how the primer came out. I used a lot less of it, and it went on very evenly. I think the secret is to stir the bottle with the drill press, rather than just with a paint stirrer.
While the stuff dries out, I started on the rudder. I made rudder stiffeners and deburred all of the surfaces. Today I match drilled the stiffeners to the skins.
Starting on the Rudder May 4th, 2006
At this point I need to prime the Vertical Stabilizer before proceeding. Since I’m going out of town in a couple of days, I decided to start on the rudder. So, I spent about an hour fabricating rudder stiffeners…some pictures when I get back!
Dimpling Vertical Stabilizer Skin May 3rd, 2006
Today Fabiola helped me dimple the holes in the Vstab skin I couldn’t reach with the squeezer. We used the C-frame, and it is really a two-person job. One holds the skin in place and the other whacks the C-frame with a hammer. Fabiola is the official whacker 🙂
Back to working on the Vertical Stabilizer May 1st, 2006
Since the lower section of the rear spar needs flush rivets, I dimpled the spar and countersunk the reinforcement bar.